Sunday, September 16, 2012

Pusan Part I

it's been a very long time since I blog....

Last time I'm still at Indonesia and nowww.....

Guess what....

I''m at the second largest city at South Korea, BUSAN 부산
I got an exchange program for half a year / 1 semester to study at Dong Seo University (덩시대학요).
Sorry if I mistakenly write the Hangul wrong.... :P Still in the proses of learning.

There are 4 students from my University (Irenne, Me, Edwin Fernando, and Alexandra), first two are from IT and the last two's from Visual Design. We came to Busan 2 weeks ago at 2 September 2012 in which we're already late by one week as the start of the semester is around 25 August or something and we're late for orientation. T_T

I live at a dorm with my "CRAZY" Indonesian roommate whose name is actually / coincidentally the same with me! He's EDWIN!! NOOO!!! (kidding suk) :P
To make people easy to distinguish our name, we agree to call the other EDWIN as Susuk! ahahhaha....

To begin with, I met with 2 of the International Affairs Staff, Mr.Dan and Mr...... (Sorry forgot the name :P). They picked us at the airport after we called them 1 day before our arrival. Thanks to them we can go to our University safely and without roaming around Pusan to look for our University. :D

I met another Indonesian as I arrived, named Jonathan. Actually he's Indonesian but can't speak Indonesian fluently. hahaha.... anyway, I won't go into the details why he doesn't speak Indonesian that fluently, but he helped us to get prepared in our room and he's like our "BIG BROTHER" here at Dong Seo bcoz we will always ask for his help since we arrived until NOW! XD (THX ko JO) :)

I also met two other Indonesian, and they're GOKIL (it's like awesomely crazy) (kidding cece") hahaha.... They're Cindy and Triana (Is it single N or double N? :P). Ko Jo, Ce Cindy and Kak Gia are taking masters, that's why we're like their younger brothers and sisters who always bothering them for help (thx a lot ce and ko and kak) :)

Life in Busan, is not that difficult actually... I like it here but the Language Problem is the main problem here. I can speak very basic 한국어 , but if any other Koreans speak to me, I'm like a 바버. We got lots of friends from other countries, such as Cambodia, Russia, Germany, Poland, and even EGYPT! :D

They're all really nice to me and to my friends as well.... Anyway, I really like it here in Pusan or Busan. I'll continue with the episode most likely next week or earlier! :) Cya... :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Semester III - still long way to go.......

It's been a year since I become inactive....
Right now, i'm in my third semester of my university.

Last Friday, I went to my Faculty Camp Program to welcome new students.
The camp last for 3 days and 2 nights with a lot of fun.

I'm gonna post some pictures I had from my trip, just for sharing.... :D

Thursday, September 23, 2010


import java.util.Scanner;
public class Looping
public static void main (String [] args)
Scanner s= new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Masukan n: ");
int n=s.nextInt();
for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)

for(int j=1; j<=n-(i-1); j++)
for (int a=1; a<=n-1; a++)
for (int b=n-a; b<=n; b++)

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Looping2
public static void main (String [] args)
Scanner s= new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Masukan n: ");
int n=s.nextInt();
for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)

for(int j=1; j<=n-(i-1); j++)
System.out.print(" ");
for(int k=1; k<=(i*2)-1; k++)
if(i==n && k==n)
for(int a=1; a<=n; a++)
for(int b=n-a; b<=n; b++)
System.out.print(" ");
for (int c=(2*a)-1; c<=2*n-3; c++)

Looping 3
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Looping3
public static void main(String [] args)
Scanner s=new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Masukan Angka: ");
int angka=s.nextInt();
int i=1;
while (angka>0);

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

AlPro mgg ketiga: Conditional

Minggu ini saya belajar mengenai conditional statement untuk pemrograman. conditional statemend sangatlah tidak sulit untuk dipahami. Hanya menggunakan if, else if, dan else.

if (......)
else if (.....)
di akhir if atau else if atau else, tidak boleh ada tanda ";" karena command yang dikerjakan belum selesai. ini adalah sebuah branching. jika suatu kondisi tidak dipenuhi, maka perintah untuk kondisi tersebut akan di skip lalu mengecek smua kondisi yg laen. Jika tidak ada kondisi yang cocok, command di dalam else akan di execute oleh program tsb. && adalah simbol untuk dan, \\ adalah simbol untuk atau.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


minggu ini, alpro lab diajar oleh Bu Citra. Mulai mengerjakan soal-soal alpro yang lumayan susah buat dikerjain. Memakai system Scanner dari Java untuk menginput data oleh user. Mulai dari menghitung persamaan linier sampai waktu yg diperlukan untuk pelari mencapai finish.

Bu Citra juga memberi tahu cara menggunakan Math.sqrt dan Math.abs untuk fungsi matematika. Sqrt adalah untuk square root atau akar dan abs adalah untuk absolute dari suatu bilangan. Soal-soal yang diberikan tergolong tidak terlau susah.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Waktu ke Bali [part 1]

Eating ice cream in the ice cream factory itself is very nice especially with friends around.... The ice is delicious and there's the wine house inside. It's really fun to go eat ice cream there. It's in the by-pass-Ngurah Rai in Bali. ^^
@Ice cream factory - By Pass Ngurah Rai
From Left: Tiki, Kezi, Tante, Nia, and Pong
From left: Tante, Stixx, Tiki, Kezi, Nia, and Naty

Saat nya nganter dapit pulang. Dapit pulang sehari sebelum jadwal pulang kita". Ntut kaw pit. ga seru!!! wkwkwkw.....
Nde Juanda nganterin Dapit pulang

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My first week in Uni

This week is kind of strange to me....

5 years that I spent in my high school suddenly change into a new environment.

Everything changes, so much pressure surround me.

It's hard to change the behaviour of a high school student into a university student...

The need to be really independent, managerial skill, and everything changes.

I should live alone far from my family, I should manage my money and give reports to my mom...

I should do everything alone in here, I'm lacking of close friends/ best friends around.

Unlike in high school, my friends are all considered as my lovely family, no one could erase my high school friends from my mind.

This first week is kinda hard for me even sometimes it's fun even when there are many assignment waiting to be done on time.